Increasing support for male victims

Jul 4, 2023 | Latest News

RCT domestic abuse services is excited to announce that we are increasing our service provision with the introduction of a specialist, male, domestic abuse worker.

Male domestic abuse is often not reported, with half of male victims not telling anyone they are experiencing domestic abuse.

Emma Williams, Development manager says.

“There is an acknowledgement that males do not necessarily follow the same route for reporting that females do. There is a stigma attached to it. There is a lot more work needed across a societal level to change that perception. We are confident that the introduction of a male support worker will assist the service to raise awareness, reduce stigma and reach more individuals needing support.”

Men who experience domestic abuse often experience barriers when seeking support and gaining access to specialist support services such as

  • Shame
  • low confidence
  • fear of not being believed.
  • Fear of being accused as the perpetrator.
  • Feeling less of a man
  • Fear of losing contact with their children
  • Lack of local services for male victims

For these reasons and many more often men do not seek support until crisis point.

“We know that there are men in RCT who need support and we hope that our work encourages men who are suffering to feel safe and comfortable to come forward and seek help” Steven, specialist male support worker.

Our specialist male support service will include:

  • assessments, information, and advice
  • welfare, debts, housing, and planning advice
  • advice and support to stay safe and free from harm.
  • connection to community resources including social activities and well-being support.
  • Peer support groups.


We aim to work with men aged 18+ affected by domestic abuse  using the Respect toolkit, a specialist resource, to support front line workers in their work with male victims (in heterosexual or same-sex relationships).

Over the coming weeks the project plans to access agencies, workplaces, sports clubs and existing support groups, with the aim of  to engaging with individuals to help shape the service further, reduce stigma and raise awareness.

More information

If you have any questions, or would like to know more about how we can support, please contact us at or call Steven on 01443 400791


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